Creating a life towards the common good
We build the Common Good together, to be happy!
Strengthen our sense of the common good in order to transform our role in our communities. To reawaken the principles and values that support the well being of the community in both young people and adults through reflection and action in their social context and their community. To use our different backgrounds and experiences of individual and collective working, to support productive cultural, environmental, artistic, social and other types of projects and initiatives. To offer spaces to raise awareness of how to help the common good. Finally, to promote the collaboration between youth and adults of distinct communities.
Our structure consists of collective meetings that revolve around a given central topic. The main themes of the meetings are centered on:
At the end of the formative process, the participants carry out one or various community actions, framed as community initiatives that contribute to the common good. These projects are designed around topics such as: Gender, interculturalism, common good, and intergenerationalism. They incorporate tools of communication and the intentional use of the TICS, which is a useful element in order to share awareness, experiences, and actions that are carried out in each community.
♥ With principles, values, and a vision of the common good that strengthens their identity and their sense of community.
♥ With abilities and skills that permit them to encourage and develop initiatives and actions for the good of the community.
♥ Who value territory as a means of livelihood in terms of collective life and tools for its defense, care and conservation.
♥ With respect and awareness for the other. To promote the dialogue and participation of different people in the community.
♥ Who promote and facilitate social transformation in their communities.
♥ With experience or tools in order to share their actions and experiences for the common good.
♥ With self-knowledge and identity in order to generate awareness to promote and provoke change within themselves and others.
♥ Who value sustainable food practices.
♥ Who value different forms of local community and organizations, acquiring new tools for their own collective processes, and what this contributes to the common good.
The School for the Common Good has made a name for itself throughout the entire state of Oaxaca, before expanding into all regions. In 2014, we started with the regions of the Sierra Norte, and Valles Centrales. Then in 2018, we started the School for the Common Good in the Mixteca region. In 2019, through collective meetings, participants began to carry out actions in their own communities.