Avances de las iniciativas de la ebc
AVANCES DE LAS INICIATIVAS DE LA Escuela para el bien Común
35 men and women have participated in five training sessions, on topics like “Territory Defense”, “Food” , “Community Promotion” , “Identity” and “Community Communication”. Twenty more young people have taken part in initiatives and actions in their communities for the common good.
We present to you some of their Initiatives and the following actions yet to come:
Strengthening of knowledge and construction of collective actions in the face of the Alert for Gender Violence – Beatriz
Objective: The objective of her Initiative is to implement spaces for reflection, sensitization and generation of actions on the problem of violence experienced by women, adolescents and girls in the Municipality of Tlaxiaco. As well as monitoring the implementation of programs and protocols to address violence.
Beatriz ya realizó un primer taller sobre la alerta de género y está por realizar los dos talleres restantes sobre fortalecimiento organizativo
Seeding berries – María
Objective: Maria lives in Cuquila and with her Initiative she wants to enlarge the raspberry and blackberry planting space and condition it with adequate materials to improve the diverse activities from planting, harvesting and pruning, sharing these practices with other families in her community and workshops on food sovereignty in the school.
She gave a workshop on food sovereignty in her community’s primary school and is participating with a group of young people in the reactivation of the community market. This is a great opportunity for her to sell her products and be included in a new project.
There is still another workshop to be held and its sowing space to be conditioned.
Organic fertilizers and agroecology – Alfredo
Objective: make a diagnosis on the use of agrochemicals as well as hold workshops on the elaboration of organic fertilizers.
Alfredo made a diagnosis on the use of agrochemicals in his community and also held a workshop on organic fertilizers.
He still needs to make a film debate on the subject, to link more with his community, as well as offer sale of organic fertilizers within his community.
Sowing Life – Itzel and Adolfo
Objective: They work to produce or propagate local plants in traditional nurseries and carry out reforestation campaigns and workshops to sensitize people in the community to strengthen socio-environmental resilience.
Itzel and Adolfo have already produced and propagated local plants in traditional nurseries,
carried out reforestation campaigns, as well as awareness-raising workshops for people in the community. In addition, they received a workshop on pest control.
They will carry out a tour with children from their community, as well as a grafting workshop.
Local Medicinal Plants – Rubi
Objective: Conduct workshops for making salves with local medicinal plants.
Rubi made her medicinal plant brochure and will hold a workshop on salve making.
Recovering health in my backyard – Griselda
Objective: Conduct workshops on backyard gardening as well as the development of information leaflets on organic gardening benefits.
Griselda produced an information leaflet on the benefits of organic gardening and held a workshop on gardening in her community’s school.
She has finished her initiative, but she feels stronger and more secure and wants to do a second stage. Congratulations!
Rescue and innovation of textiles – Minerva
Objective: Elaborate a catalogue for the rescue of the history of the clothing of the
Agua Zarca community as a strengthening of the work group and creation of new clothes (handcrafted).
Elaborated interviews with women artisans and conducted an important workshop on cost calculation.
Minerva is also in the process of designing the catalogue for the rescue of the clothing history of the Agua Zarca community.
Nursery pomegranate production – Félix
Objective: Carry out workshops on solar irrigation and on the importance of local consumption of the mucus pomegranate, being from a local tree.
He carried out a workshop on solar irrigation and on the elaboration of
organic fertilizers. In addition, he is conducting interviews for his video on the Mixtec language. He has completed his initiative and feels very motivated by the good response of his community to his proposals.
The Living Seed – José Luis
Objective: Establish a nursery for the production of local fruit trees and the rescue of medicinal plants.
José Luis held a workshop on healthy foods at his community school, and two workshops on healthy foods as well as organic fertilizers are still missing.
Fish and vegetable production and revival of the Community market – David
Objective: Have a rainwater harvesting pot for raising fish and watering fruit trees. In addition, revive the community market that was lost many years ago, but now only with local producers.
David successfully carried out his first activity, selling local products on the day and place where the community market used to take place. They’ll do it weekly.
Condition his rainwater harvesting pot to raise fish and sell them in the market.
At the end, some opinions of participants on the implementation of their initiatives:
How has your initiative been set in motion?
“At the beginning it was very difficult for me to create a concrete idea of what my project could do and find ways to carry it out” – Floriberto.
It has been difficult since most people are not interested, so it is difficult for us to give workshops and make them join our collective.stiones escolares, mi tiempo no es suficiente para dedicarle al proyecto” -Wendy.
What lessons and difficulties have you had?
“That no matter how much it costs us to make a change from our person to others, by putting effort and commitment we can achieve
Plus because it’s so much more than we imagined. I think one of the difficulties I’ve had is to have a good organization, since my time, the materials for my workshops, knowing how to control nerves.”
I have learned a lot about the different types of learning in children, youth and adults, and about interests. For example, adults
prefer fruit trees, and young ornamental plants and children prefer shrubs. It has been difficult for me to organize the different groups because, as I mentioned, there are different interests. “
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