Call for applications educators

We started a call for applications!

We are looking for pedagogically experienced people 🙂

If you are interested you can find more information in the poster above.



Call for applications ebc

We are currently accepting applications for participating in the school of the common good, more information in the poster below.

Please feel free to share! 🙂

ebc mixteca 2020

Convocatoria Cerrada

ebc mixteca 2020

Oficialmente arrancamos con la ebc Mixteca 2020, lo que nos emociona mucho ! Abajo adjuntamos los documentos compartibles para el proceso de inscripción:

1) Convocatoria en extenso

2) Carta de motivos

3) Formato de solicitud

¡Inscríbete ya, te esperamos!

Avances de las iniciativas de la ebc

AVANCES DE LAS INICIATIVAS DE LA Escuela para el bien Común

35 men and women have participated in five training sessions, on topics like “Territory Defense”, “Food” , “Community Promotion” , “Identity” and “Community Communication”. Twenty more young people have taken part in initiatives and actions in their communities for the common good.
We present to you some of their Initiatives and the following actions yet to come:

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ideas comunitarias

Community Iniciatives ebc Mixtec region

During the formative process the challenge is to work on the “being” of each participant and the group, whereas during the community initiatives the challenge is to work on the “doing”, which constitutes the contribution to the common good.

Implementing these Initiatives – organized by participants of the ebc – forms part of their learning process which aims to give them confidence and new skills through practical work in community promotion.

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